
Khiew Jit Chun Portfolio 2.0

Love the characters and breakdown video!

Nice work Jit. deserved the top tow :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

][-][4Z4R][)) : Thanks man. Cheers!

LynneMitchell : Thanks and glad you like the breakdown video. Cheers.

nandlaskar: Thanks a lot Rishi. Really glad to hear from you. You are one of my inspiration to work this out. will keep it up. Cheers! :slight_smile:

Very very beautiful work, congrat !!

Beautiful work - fun concept, solid sculpting, beautiful texturing and color scheme - also a very cool vid!!Congratz on TR :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

how did you do the low poly? did you sculpt first and then retopo the whole thing? When did you texture it? and where did you render?

nice one :+1:

Goued : Thanks yea. Cheers!

Etcher: Thanks a lot man. Glad to hear from you. Cheers.

Manilamerc: I started sculpting with Zbrush in symmetry mode, then using Zremesher creating low poly mesh. From there, I start to pose and work on the final sculpt. After the sculpt is done, I create UV with UV master and bringing back to Maya . Using photoshop to work on the texture and Render using Vray Maya. Hope it helps. Cheers man.

Nightwoodwolf: Thanks mate. Cheers! :wink:

Iā€™m a new ZB user. Work like this is SO inspiring. Thx.

Hey this is so great! Awesome piece and great making of!