
Jutsu's Sketchbook

Some alternate views

Digging the Dragon sculpt!

I hear thr dragon saying ’ I BRING IT xD awesome man really fantastic work , big shot for the glue parts please , thanks

:+1: Congratulations … realy awesome!

Awesome! :+1:

thanks guys :smiley:

So thought i’d post an update.
working on the body mainly. lots to go as you can tell. but enjoying sculpting this one.


amazing sculpt, really enjoying all those details! thanks for sharing

Insane. Fantastic job. Based on the rigid jaw structure it looks like the pose is the maximum bite but the connective tissue between doesn’t look like it’s under maximum tension. Think you can really elevate the emotion of it if you exploit that detail.

thanks guys, i’ll be sure to look into the jaw idea.:smiley:

wow i love it man beautiful

thanks Clintus :slight_smile:

Awesome dragon :smiley: cant wait to see what colors you choose for him.

very pretty ))

nice sculpt !!!

Magnificent beast. Really love this.

hey guys, here is my final of my dragon sculpt. Calling this one done now, moving onto polypainting next. and finishing off the base that he will have. Hope you guys like it.


looks really great!

thanks Intervain & DrBo48 :slight_smile: