
João Fiuza SketchBook

wait hoiw you did the fingers, a new base mesh, or pulled them out ?;f And his thumb is kind of long compared to his fingers.

Hey slocik, the hands are separated mesh, that I later merged together and did retopology, and yeah long thumbs, I guess they will not have the same use as in “real life” but they will be more like a weapon

Here’s a Stone Worm :stuck_out_tongue: I did for the monthly challenge at gnomon also, and it was a good way to practice rock sculpting :slight_smile: I found very useful to use the Focal Shift on Trim Dynamic brush at -100 :wink:


even a monster like that looks amazing.

GX@W thanks a lot for the kind words :slight_smile:

Finally finished :wink: hope you guys enjoy.
and hurray to me because I finally learned how to use Vray fast SSS2, more the less :stuck_out_tongue:


The wip didnt look like much, but the end thing looks amazing.
Looks liek some promotional art.
You really need to stop using those ugly cavity materials when showing off sculpts ;D

slocik: Glad you liked it at the end :slight_smile: , by the way, what did you ment to say with the ugly cavity materials ? :stuck_out_tongue: didn’t get it sorry hehe

Well this is a speedsculpt that I did yday, and today I decided to create a wallpaper for me.




i think he means the sketch type materials :wink: … it tends to not show off certain details as well unless you’re gonna take it into photoshop after and play with levels to make it good smooth comic book style stuff … dont think it’s horrible but i can see what he’s saying about it not showing off the details evident in your final render

dapharmer: Oh now I understand hehe. Your right, I have to find a better Matcap, or create one :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks

yeah, the materials that have cavity shaders and strong edges, fake geometry, and make the sculpt feel distorted ;D

Well it has been a while :slight_smile: Finally I have time to put hands on Zbrush r2 ^^ This is a Wip of a Sea monster. I also recorded a timelapse, hope you enjoy, cheers :slight_smile:



ZBrush Document.jpg

Update on the Sea Predator

edit(it’s better that I post the recent wips all in the same post, to keep the thread clean) :wink:



Update on the Sea Predator



nice dynamesh work:+1:

Polo2011: Thanks :wink:

Since the model have to follow some guidelines in order to possibly be printed, I came up with some poses
Maybe you guys could help me choose one :wink:





Update on the head




I’m doing 4 lava golems, this one is the first :wink:
Hope you enjoy



Wow very impressive. Very massive guy, he punch you, you’re broken ! :+1:

realy nice work keep it up…