
JimmyLev's sketchbook

Really great sculpting and painting!

I was wondering what do you use to get those fine details that are in the torso of this creature?

ThrashBrush: I sculpt on layers with different brushes. Usually with DamienStandard and the standard brush, with different alphas. I usually end up with ca. 5-8 layers with different stroke width and structures to them. Then I tweak the layer vaulues and find settings I like. On this model I made a final layer where I smooth out the wrinkles and folds in places where muscle mass and bone are very visible.
Basicly it is the way Cesar Dacol jr. does it in his dvd. I can definetly recomend this one: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/891/

Iā€™m really enjoying your thread! You have a really great skill

cool works dudeā€¦ all very nice.
i really like the final of ā€œcentigorā€.
iā€™d liked to have seen the frog turntable from a bit over the leaf, because i think itā€™s a shame that you almost see more leaf than frog.

i hope all is well with the little one. itā€™s good to see that she atleast gives you a little time to do a new reelā€¦ hehehe


Hi Rasmus,

Thanks man, yeah I think you are right on the frog Cam, I will test it next time I update. I am not quite happy with the leaf itself so I want to give that another scilpt pass as well.

Yep all is good and well luckily. I can only say that it is truly awesome to become a dad. I love it!

Haha, yeah it was great with some time getting the reel together. I got up reeaaally early in the morning so I would have the time to finish it hehe.
Hope to see you soon champ. How long are you at Duckling for? I Think I will drop by with some keys soon.

Hi guys,

It has been long time since Iā€™ve posted here. But lately Iā€™ve had some time to do some sculpting. Hope you like them :slight_smile:








Awesome such clean/tight work

Thanks Dman :slight_smile:

Nice! I especially like that last one! Great work!

Thanks Teyon, glad you like them :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

Just had a few hours to sculpt some more on the nosferatu guy. Its been a while hehe.




I have started working on this guy. Hopefully I can find the time to finish it :slight_smile:


Saw those on a Youtube feed lately and had thoughts of making one!
Great start!

Wow maan! This is sooo nostalgic ! Waiting when you finish it. Nice movie , i think i need to watch it now ))!!

muxauji123 - Thanks man! Yeah it is really one of my top favorite monster movies.

mikala - You should make one, I would love to see it! And thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Guys,

Here is the main character which I modelled for the Danish feature film Albert last year. I also created the blendshape setup for him.

I usually use zbrush to polish or to try out different shapes when working in the early stage of design. Sometimes I sit with the designer next to me when zbrushing. They really love the fast visual feedback it brings hehe. I also use it to smooth out blendshapes or full expression which I later in Maya split up into multiple shapes.

Here is the trailer for the movie if you guys are curious. Keep in mind that it is an extremely low budget movie(ca. 2,317 Euros), and the trailer is in Danish:




LOVE LOVE LOVEā€¦ the shapes are so nice and clean!

Awesome work!

Thanks guys. Dan Haarder designed the characters for the movie :slight_smile: