
Jesse Graffam - Zbrush 3 Sculpts.

Thanks, I’ll do that. So…any updates :slight_smile:

Actually you can sculpt symmetrically on a already posed object but you there’s something you have to do before you pose it. In the Layers in the Tool menu create a new layer on the object before posing it. I’d rename the layer to Pose_01 or something and then with the layer selected pose your object up. Now if you want to go back and work symmetrically on it just click the little eye to the right of the layer name and it will pop back into position. You can turn the layer on and off or ever change the intensity of how much the pose layer affects the model. Hope this helps.


ahh yes… You know what? I knew this. I had forgotten about it, because I never used it. Thanks, for the refresher.