
JDesroy 's Sketchbook

Tell yah what bud, you can get ALOT done in one hour!
Really good primary and secondary forms going very rapidly.
Question; what was your motivation for this particular training/study?

Speculating, was it to train primary form initialization?

really cool stuff dude.
keep em coming.


These are great. You may have already talked about this in your thread (I didn’t read it all), but what rendering program are you using? What material was used for the sculpts that are yellow? I really like the contrast that is providing them.

I love your style ! It’s super cool ! Your lightings are so powerfull ! I would totally see the alien as a Dragon ball Z villain !

Thank you guys !

Takai -> It was to improve my skills in primary and secondary shapes sculpting. (And a bit for fun xD )

burtonbenj -> The render was done under V-Ray with a simple V-Ray SSS2 yellow shader. Then I make a first compositing in Nuke (I usually play with a colored Z-Depth in softlight blend mode). And finally I go to Photoshop where I tweak a bit the mood.

Hey guys!

I’ve just finished this sculpt. It’s a tribute to my favorite movie and I tried to redesign her to fit more in the World of Warcraft 's background.
Anyway, I hope you like it ! For me it’s time to make the retopology… cough
















Super clean forms, very cool vision of the concept :+1:

Clean sculptures and great artwork!

Very well executed, I like your style:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Very nice sculpting!

Thank you so much guys !

Cool looking work. Everything is so well finished, and CONGRATS on top row. Been digging the choices for top row that Pixologic has been selecting lately. Well deserved!

Very beautiful sculpt, and I love the character design. The finishing is very clean and polished, especially the hair and fur.

Nice, polished sculpting. Congrats on making the top row! :+1:

Good job

Aww, you made her a night elf. :wink: j/k Great adaptation to the WoW style.
Multiple people have said clean, and that is the perfect description. Very sharp, very crisp.
This would make a fantastic 3D print. Great job.

Thank you so much guys ! And thank you Pixologic for the Top Row !

beautiful work

very nice work indeed. great renders too.

