
Ivy generator

Hey Lemo, here is another bush.

Hmmm Bas, I already have a Bush over here. That’s more than enough. You can keep your bush! :smiley:
Slightly different approach with it:

Can you see how many Z’s are in the sea?
Inspired by a night dive last year.

Hmmm, my night dives are looking different… and the bushes here do not talk.
3692 ‘Z’, for sure :slight_smile:
But a nice way to make coral :+1:

Why always ivy? here some lobsters :wink:
Always “Ivy prog” but hijacked :lol:



Hey that last one’s pretty cool, Lemo!

Cool,thanks Bas.:+1:

Hmmm, I feel hooked by it. Real fun to use.

WOW Bas Mazur>> Very cool stuff you made there.

Hi folkZZ :slight_smile:

Great tool, isn’t it?:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

And the best news now (originalpost from Thomas himself)


“. . . I decided to remove the restriction to non-commercial usage. So feel free to use the tool in your projects!
I’ll update it on the website soon!
Sorry, for the confusion!

Thank you for your great generosity, Thomas

-cheerZ all- :slight_smile:

Quite a few people emailed him. So, now he hopes the whining stops 8).

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

GMO? :lol:
(genetically modified organisms)

No Fenchy, must be BDA. Beer Driven Art!
Lemo :smiley:

For heavan’s sake Bas - what is it? :slight_smile:

Bas, I tried using the alpha with it but the leaves are still the wrong shape.


My bonsai is barking.

That made my day. Rare kind of Dogwood tree ehhhh?!
Lemo in tax preparation madness

@Pride, now I know where my dog is coming from :slight_smile:
Here is the way I use the texture.


Fun program :+1:

I did a quick render. Not ZBrush so I’m a Zeathen I guess. :frowning:


Anyone figured out all the sliders yet? If I decrease or increase the leaf probablity I get more leaves either way?

nice. I have to try this one.

Blaine91555…“grow” the ivy. Set the leaf probability to 1 and press “birth”, you will get stems with no leaves, slide leaf probability a tiny bit to left and press “birth” again and you will get one or two leaves…more to left …more leaves.

I got some great renders in Maya.