
*** Introducing GoZ - PART 2

Very good work :eek:
Congrats to Pixologic team !
Thanks for all of us :wink:

Oh my god!

It seems that it is possible to modify the lowrez of a full sculpt
by editing polygons cutting holes and the highres details will stay
without the hassle with projecting meshes.

I will have wet dreams tonight :smiley:

Great Work Pixologic!

I am speechless but not wordless!

Amazing amazing AMAZING!!! We need this!

Awesome work guys! :+1:

WOW! Can´t wait for this…amazing feature:lol:

unbelievable! so far, this little “teaser” update about upcoming zbrush is the best for me! I can already imagine how helpful this feature will be for me. Awesome stuff! Great work pixologic!



This looks great, and is very much needed and appreciated, but it does bring up a valid point. Most of the work being done in Maya or Softimage or another external 3D modelling package COULD be done in ZBrush. I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if the polygon modelling tools in ZBrush were as intuitive or easy to use as those in every other app? It would lessen the need to hop back and forward so much (don’t get me wrong, I love this new feature!). At the moment, adding edge loops, extruding from existing polys etc, just isn’t really usable. I’d love to see these things addressed in ZB4. Insert edge loop (without having to hide geometry and jumpt through hoops etc), Extrude from edge, Chamfer, etc, just the basics would be really cool to have.

Once again though, really cool new feature, and hopefully one that’ll have me using ZBrush again. At the moment, all the setup and constant hassle getting displacement and normal maps to work as expected in Max is a real turn-off and has me trying to avoid it whenever possible.

Congrats Pixologic!

What a beauty this video is to look at, wow Pixo great stuff yet again! :slight_smile: but i have a feeling the best is yet to come…

/ Magnus

Pixologic rules.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !

WOOOOOOOOWWWWWW …this is soooo fast … i wish if they include Softimage as well …

Damn!!!, Pixologic thanks for this amazing feature, it’s so simple transfer meshes between software, even with displacement maps and all!! aaaaaaaa like i said earlier, ZBrush 4 is gonna be the software of the year!! :smiley:

I want this for xsi :smiley: ! Awesome stuff.

Simply Brilliant!

Thanks. :slight_smile: Gotta get Avatar and TinTin out of the door first though.


thats cool.

And I’d just like to throw in a shout for Lightwave please.

Will GoZ be only available to the LATEST versions of said applications? Would it only available for Maya 2009 or Max 2010 and not anything earlier than that?

yes pryda!!!

Zbrush even likes the same music as me!

lets get married.

that’s amazing really, its huge thing to enhance and speed up pipeline work flow

It’s like a dream come true. Sometimes, I’m really afraid of changing any vertexes of the low mesh cause it will mess up the vertexes in ZBrush but now I can do whatever I want.

I salute you, Developer Team :smiley:

I almost feel bad that they’re giving this away as a free upgrade to licensed users. That just blows my mind. I love you guys!!!