
Injustice: Gods Among Us. Some highres ZBrush art.

Great stuff guys, congrats on the game! Must have been fun to work on these, seems like Zbrush was used heavily in your workflow. Nice!

Here is one of the characters I contributed to the game. It was great working on the project.

Awesome work!
I love it!

Looks good~

Why isn’t this thread TOP ROW?

Outrageous brilliance! All are GREAT but Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern are freaking standouts.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Congrats on a job well done! Kudos!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


Looking good yall! Glad to see the hard work put into these sculpts! Congrats on the game release!:cool:

I love this game, great to finally see some of the amazing designs here :slight_smile: congrats on a job well done guys! looking forward to more interesting designs in DLC :slight_smile:

Metallo and Aquaman’s shark





fantastic works! :+1:

So many great sculpts, awesome work guys!

I was working on the Story Mode at Montreal, and it was always a joy to see the new character models appear from day to day. This thread deserves Top Row for sure.

If I were running in New York’s next mayoral race, I would have to create a “The art in this thread is too damn sick!” party.


Just wow. :open_mouth:

Amazing works.

I’m guessing that’s Wonder Woman on the second page further down? If so why aren’t they using this design for the current comic book or Justice League? This is really wonderful, esp the hair.
Reminds me of a Norse Valkyrie warrior maiden! LOVE IT!

Really love the first take on Superman’s outfit. Although I do like the cape being held in place with the “S” shield on the second take, just don’t like the cape points on the shoulders or the bottom there, reminds me of Batman more.

LOVE the Aquaman and Green Arrow takes too. Totally awesome.

Your work is visionary and phenomenal! :slight_smile:

found some quick head concepts I did during pre-prod, thought i’d toss 'em the mix.



Solomon Grundy




Knew it was Solomon Grundy immediately from the thumbnail. :+1:

Im a big fan of the game! (addicted to it)

The characters look great! I wish some of them were better ingame. The highres are pretty awesome! Great stuff!


Harley! HarleyQuinn_V_Guns.jpgHarleyQuinn_V.jpg

Looking forward to seeing you guys’s work on the next-generation of consoles. I am sure it’s going to be and look amazing. It’s sad that so much detail is lost in the game on PS3/Xbox360. Still a fantastic game and very satisfying. Also really enjoyed the work you guys did on MK9.

awesome work