
He-Man and BattleCat Diorama (More making-of info on Page 3)

Excellent !
I saw your entry on Cgtalk, definitely the best !
You did a great job and it is one of my favourite ZB sculpt !
You manage to capture the essence of the toy of the 80’s.
It looks like the toy is in front of us !

The sound of a top row on ZBcentral soon !

Superb… Great tribute!

excellent scene!

great work mate :slight_smile: 5 stars.

Good job on the win and thanks for the recap Omni. A lot of good info got lost in the mix during the competition. I saw all of your WIP images but your summary here is much easier to follow.

Yes ! Top row finally !

Thanks for sharing the making of.
A true masterwork!
Congrats for the top-row!
5 stars again :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

insane!!! love it - looks SO real :+1:

… panther revival! :wink:

well deserved toprow congrats!

This is really realistic, Great job! :+1:

he man!
i rly thought it was an actual toy figure when i first saw it. damn!


You did a amazing job.

I am sorry but I beg to differ this work is well done but DEFINITELY not a gallery image.I mean look at the paws of the tiger’s and heman tosro to hand proportion , I am sorry to differ and its completely my personal view.

Awesome is an understatement. Great re-creation. :+1:

how cool is this!? I thought it was a photo of a toy at first! I really liked He-Man as a kid! Are you planning on making a life-like one?

A very big thanks to the awesome team at Pixologic for the coveted top row!!
This really made my day!

undoz: hi, nice of u to drop by, you are one of my favorite sculptors here. I do not know of LWF till you mentioned it, i usually adjust in photoshop. Lighting-wise, there are 3 vray lights, position on top, left and right, the HDRI reflections actually made it look more complicated then it actually is.

Darukin: thank you :slight_smile:

shin4: :smiley: thank u!

gpepper: Thanks! I am very glad u feel that way

Sebcesoir: I’m very honored, thank you

cresshead: :smiley:

nerveink: u are too kind, thank you

Wyatt: hey Wyatt, thank you!! it was really nice to see everyone’s work-flow during the challenge, looking forward to your next entry

gpepper: yeah!

Moni-Poroni: thank you very much for the stars :smiley:

Super Glitcher: thanks!

Frenchy Pilou: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Disco Stu: thank you!

SquidWatch: thanks!

adwester: that was the aim, glad you fell for it. thanks!

neuromancer2: thank you!

sagiarts: no problem dude, thanks for speaking your mind, i agree its not perfect and i hope to improve further in the future, cheers :wink:

Aberrant: its a great compliment, thank you

Darkus719: Thanks, He-Man was one of my favorite toys as a kid too. no plans for a life-like version :slight_smile:

Congreat !!! Perfect !!! 5 stars :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Omg this made my day,stunning artwork and totally looks like he man in every single way ,also awesome work done with battle cat,It needs a castle greay skull in the background :slight_smile: ,Amazing i love it,ahhh the 80’s :sunglasses:

Great finish. Congrats :+1: