
Halloween2009 (Mini Challenge)

just more pumpkins…


Should not have started watching that movie…:wink:
Here is a rough sketch of pumpkin_a.

3point14, really cool pumpkin! Please, if you would like continue posting your steampunk pumkin, it’s all good! Blaine looking forward to your entries!:wink:


That is creepy! Thanks for the link!:slight_smile:



Hahhahahaaa!!! Naked pumpkinhead man! Run! :smiley:

I did not have alot of time this week to work on my pumpkins, but I made some time today. This is pumkin_a, overpainted with the highlighterII brush set to main. The luminousity was built up using multiple brush strokes with a low RBG intensity setting, colored orange. Make sure to render your shadow pass first, and when your happy with that, bake the layer, and start painting your light!:smiley:

sirquadalot, I think he’s hotter than the Balrog!
How many candles have you got in there? :cool:

:wink: heehee! I’ve stopped using candles years ago! Napalm all the way!:lol:

Great Pumpkins :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: Broke out my sunglasses to view the last one :smiley:

Finally got a little time. I’m only part done but thought I’d bump the thread.


Still got to detail the stem and give it some color. I have the face in my head, just need to get er done.

Made a simple base in Silo. I’m loving the feel of the new brushes. This is the first chance I’ve had to try them out.

Hey Blaine, very nice pumpkin! Looking forward to seeing your carving!:wink:

Cool stuff man!
I did something similar in Blender last year just to play around with the tools…



Funny thread :smiley:






Not rocket science or anything but thought it might help some zbrushers get their base mesh for the pumpkin set up real quick like.

Reedcsy…that’s one sick looking pumpkin…very cool!

Hey everyone, just 5 more days till Halloween!:evil: :evil: :smiley: !!! Clock is ticking!

Bas Mazur! Been to long! Carve a pumpkin with us!:smiley:

Reedcsy, awesome pumpkin sculpt! :sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

Prosthesis…thank you for spending your time to create this cool movie for everyone! :wink: :smiley: :slight_smile:

SolidSnakexxx…Help keep the tradition alive…Carve one with us my friend, I’ll know you would bring your best!:wink:

This will be the biggest :slight_smile:

LOL. that’s too funny. Good JOb.