

Really nice attention to detail man, I love the design as well, I’ve always wanted to do one of these types of humanoids/monsters in the near future I plan to, this is great inspiration, Did you use Zmapper to generate the normal maps? and if so, did you do any post work on them in photoshop or something, or? Thanks! Awesome work once again.

WHOA! I’m blown away man! This is some crazy @$$ sculpting!! Really awesome character - great concept… Love the zb sculpt!! Really excellent. 5 stars from me!
Keep rockin dude!!


Great job!

Awesome work mate, so much details. This game is probably going to kick ass :slight_smile:


Could I know what’s your company’s name in chinese?:confused:

Because I can’t search its information from internet.

I’m glad to have your response. TKS!

Hi guys
this is my turntable zb in (www.pixologic.com)

bradjames:Thx man.
dustbin1_uk:Thx man.
jjvdb15:Thx man.I toke five hours in zb.
iskon:Thx man.
Mikeporetti:Thx your comment
Eiad:Thx man.I toke 10 days in zb.
Buckie:Thx man.
samar vijay:ThX man. your work are excellent,too.
sirhcnait:Thx man.
dustbin1_uk:Thx man.
yazz:Thx man.
Martin@PIXOLOGIC:ok. Thx
Super Glitcher:Thx man.
Prospect: I use normal in max.
chindian:ThX man. your work are excellent,too.
The Cheshire Cat:Thx man. your sance of work are very well.
CLUB8:My company doesn’t homepage yet.


absolutely pukka mate!!!:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

If there was a barrier higher than the top row, this would smash it. Unbelievable…the amount of depth in your wrinkles and brush strokes are insane.

Cool character! Great sculpting and very impressive ZBrush renders.

In contrast I find the final, normalmapped lowpoly game model a bit dissapointing. I don’t know if that’s just me, but I have noticed that a lot
on these forums with similar subjects and procedures.

The game model looks too much like a paper-mache doll,
it has lost the sense of scale and fleshiness of the original sculpt.

The main problem are the specular highlights, they should be a lot wider and softer, and show more variation going from wide to small. Also they should not be white, which is surprising since you’re using a colored spec map.

The colorscheme is not helping here either, it’s too saturated and has too many opposing colors, red-green, yellow-purple?? I would have chosen a more subtle natural pallet on the body…that would also help make the intense glowing parts more convincing.

But hey…maybe that’s the art-direction the game is going for…and I’m just being a pretentious twat :wink:

So I’ll end like I started by congratulating you on your amazing sculpting skills!!!

jonnyd’artiste:Thx man.
Vigrond:Thx man.
tortilla1:Thx your comment. Your suggestion gives me the very big help.

andy cheng

Great model and concept.

Really amazing work! :+1: Love the design and sculpt.

that’s an amazing piece Andy ! Just wow !


Can we take a peak at the normal map for your character? Right now it looks like there isn’t even one. With all that insane sculpting I’m gonna flip **** if you aren’t making a normal map for it haha. Good work man. Looks incredible.

The heads remind me of a Rob Botin creation for John Carpenter’s remake of “The Thing” done back in the early eighties. Really fabulous work there. Boss character is really great!! :+1: :+1: :+1:

awesome sculpting, i liked your dw3 entry too…

did the game company come to you and say we loved the dw3 chara you did, can you do something like that for us??? just curious to know if that comp helped land you a job :wink:

Amazing Stuff!

I was playing Ace Combat 6 and the new Soul Caliber games on my mates XBox 360 at the weekend and couldn’t believe how much in-game characters had come on in fact we were blown away when we realised there were no pre rendered scenes!!! Just in game Graphics used to do the little movie bits and they were AMAZING!

Keep on Z-ing!

Amazing work man…I love this work …

i have a question for you.

i’ve posted a question already in cgtalk about how to get high details.

when i sculpt in zbrush i can only sub div up to 6.

i know there is a feature in zbrush to use HardDrive caching to subdivide more. is that what you used to get finer details ? did you run into any problems when you exported the normals maps using this ? got any tips ? :smiley:

Awesome art!!! The only thing I’d comment on would be that you lower the contrast of the color map, reduce blacks/whites by 40%, so your normal detail show up more.

That awesome detail from zbrush kind of gets lost in the texture you painted.
That’s all feedback I can think of…otherwise, insanely nice art!!!