
Gaborak Dmitry ____ Ramis and other..

awesome. love that zombie character. good work

very nice

story character “Infecte” (previous)
originally it was a human (workmen) , after was infected infector - which got into the mouth . you still can see part of him. this is secon step of mutation)

and Infector, the beast which crawls into the mouth and causes mutation… small one and his mummy. some simple beast.



serious detailing you’ve got there!!!:+1:

Great stuff.

Usually first i do a lot subtools, later i merge some subtools .The green bubbles was extracted from body-very useful way to make detail this kind- clear border of body and bubbles, easy to modify.

Made a few mucus hanging - next made ​​a clons , scale, rotate, moving and a bit sculping.
Holes in the pants and shirt I made by mask on hight divide and next fixed hall by brush move. Much faster than do it in Max or Maya.

Cool work man! You rock! :+1: