
Fury Brad Pitt

Thanks a lot ZbrushCentral for all the support and encouragement, it’s an honor to be in top row gallery :).

@frix: Thank you soo much :).

@Frederic: Thanks for the encouragement :).

@Intervain: :slight_smile: Glad you liked it.

@regmonroe: Thank You :)… I am soo happy.

@TRFX: I followed amazing tutorial from Tom Newbury Creating a Realistic Human Eye in CG
… I recreated and customized it according to my specifications.
Hope this is helpful.

@Andrei: Thanks a lot Andrei :slight_smile:

@San-j: Thanks Sanjay :slight_smile:

: He he … Thanks :D.

@Gurjeet: Thanks Gurjeet :slight_smile:

: Thanks Rohit :slight_smile:

@wiankoch23: Thank you soo much :).

@ankitsing24: Thanks Ankit :slight_smile:

@sagiarts: Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

@Paul Marx: Thanks :D.
Is the the body a bit disproportional?
-I don’t know buddy. Can you please help me with this!?
Appreciate you comment.

@nandlaskar: Thanks Rishi:)

@snehalgopal: Thank you soo much :slight_smile:

: Thank You :slight_smile:

Superb work!!! Thanx for sharing some of your workflow:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses: Congratz on TR:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Amazing work,Congrats on the top row!!

Great work!

Amazing job on the Brad Pitt. Really awe inspiring!

JUST WATCHING… The movie again on the strength of your model. At the start when they’re getting the tank running again it shows some great close ups of Brad wearing his helmet with goggles on. would make for some more materials and some nice reflections in your render, plastic helmet and reflective goggles. maybe your beat and sick of him but yea id love to see some close ups with his helmet on. . great model and texture work pal. :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Neat Job!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great work!!!

@Etcher: Thank you soo much :). Hope it was of any help.
@sachinu: Thank you :).
@AlexSeverin: Thanks Alex :).
@Caetano: Thank you :).
@Anthony jones: I totally agree with your thoughts and my initial plans had it all but changed my plans as the project progressed :D.
@][-][4Z4R][)): Thanks :slight_smile:
@illusionist: Thank you soo much :slight_smile:

fantastic work sujeshnair8984. Can you please elaborate how did you do hairs?

@lukx: Thank you soo much :). Right now I am working on a small tutorial explaining my process.

Here are some of the work in progress test renders.








Hey Sujesh,
Shanoj here.Its really superb…HATS OFF

Impressive stuff. If you want to match more and add extra details. Propstore auctions had a Fury auction with great refernce pictures of the costume and props:
