
First try-Old man

she looks really pretty…i enjoy looking this angel face, the lips are JUICY!! love it.

yes lashes is paint effect, but better to say maya hair rendered in mental ray.

in maya you can create nurbs curves and attach hair system to they. So I did it. To each one curve I put maybe 5 hairs and than clump a little togader on the end site. I will add some later a tutorial to my interent site. lotusart.de

front view with new hair.


This is really well done. But one thing that catches my attention are the winkles on her forehead. I think they are a bit too much for a girl her age. Again, great work Lotus. :+1:

Clearly no beginer to 3D, looks like work of a rounded artest. Well done, been trying to get this quality for years. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thank you for the tips on the eye lashes. :+1:

I think you right :slight_smile:

youtube turntable of horse




very great , nice gril :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hi Lotus. I like your model. I see what you are going for but i think the outside corner of the eyes are just a bit too stretch out.

how do you render in zbrush, the shader seting and lighting seting!
could you tell me…thanks …


Hey thats a great texture, how did you go about making the skin look so good in zbrush, the lighting is good too. Do you have as specific skin shader?

ho````````````the eyes is perfection…

incredible eyes. wish I can figure out how to do them… still searching all over zbrush forums