
Featured Member: grassetti (Rafael Grassetti)

Great work Grasseti!
Another Brazilian bro showing awesome talent! Keep it up!
The models are awesome, and the texturing matches the quality!
Keep posting more! :smiley:



Hey man! Congratulations for the nice interview and for the great models!
Bom ver mais alguém da terrinha mandando bala!!

Wow… that’s amazing stuff. I wish I could o as good as this.

Great work man, I remember that hunter model and thinking “hey this guys pretty damn good” and then your recent stuff made me say “I was wrong, this guy is REALLLLLYYYY damn good”

great stuff man.

nice interview. nice featuring of grassetti.

my personal favorite of all shown models is ,by far, the warrior-model just below the hunter.

all models r brilliant, but this one blows me instantly from my seat^^.
cos all other models r cool but somehow redundant in some points.
this warrior on the other hand makes me instantly think of new world, new gameplay, new maps, never seen before. dunno y. maybe i havent seen that much but this guy tells me a story, and thats what i call a good character-design!. thx for featuring the portfolio.
hope u make your way to the top of gaming-development:) .

Great Interview !!! thank you !!!

Great interview rafa!
very inspirational works.
Best of luck.
