
Exodus: Game Wizards Project

Have you played orange box? the glowing bug idea is similar to ones in the game which also have glowing larvey.

That’s one cool bug…very nice design…

Bug looks badass Nick!

gonna have some dead rats in the game too:) Here is my high poly

Thats insane lol Im sure the teams gunna love it

Cool man, why not add some tire tracks?

Cool! But, uummm, isn’t that a squirrel? :wink:

Is that organs or poop or both coming out of the butt? Yucky but really good job.

mmmm smashed squirrel:+1: :+1:

haaaa…love the squirrel. Nice to see something other than a nekid woman with stoopid boobs or a devil…then again…whats sicker?.

Gave me the biggest grin of the day…thank you.


lol poor little squirrel.Looks great though.

Thanks guys for all the cool comments! glad you like it:)

In game shot with texture:) In Unreal


Two new pieces. One related to exodus…the other not so much but maybe it sparked an idea.

First piece is an idea for a claw bush i had. You can see the sketch i made as well as the low poly blockout. It is a proximity threat. Don’t get close or it will get yah

The second is from my class today. Everyone voted on what we should do…a giger inspired piece and and axe tied. So we combined them and most everyone did a giger axe:) Enjoy




That squirrel is awesome, I love the clumpy hair on the tail, looks like it was wet, and the entrails looks fantastic.

That Giger Axe is KILLER.

Love the detail on it

thanks guys! yah…the squirrel and axe worked out good:) Fun to do. I gotta finish that bush though!

Here are a few new things i did today.

One of is for the game…exodus…the other was just for fun. My students and I are really trying to break out of our comfort zones…pairing up werid genre’s with objects…today was Art Nouveau Helicopter…it scared me at first but I think i did an okay job for 2 hours. All in zbrush.

The exodus asset is pretty standard aliens inspired people trapped in vines…dead people. Shout out to my friend solomon who let me use his character model;)





ut rock wall test-- real time. asset test…only spent about 30 min on actually making the cliff wall…got some really cool techniques for sculpting with 3D models. Som part of all are undone. Just a test

Looking great.Love the plant pod with corpse.

Very nice works man! I love the axe and the plant pod! :+1:

Thanks guys…yah it is coming along. Starting to really put stuff together now. Shot was taken in Unreal:)