
Eidan Sketchbook

I think you need to have anti-alising on

some tweaks

hello there!

i think i’m done whit this study. here we go whit some different materials! Hope you like it!

Schermata 2010-10-03 a 11.30.37.JPG


Schermata 2010-10-03 a 11.32.20.JPG

I love this thread, great work! :smiley:

Nice job! :+1:

tnx a lot guys!!! It means a lot to me! :+1:

nice work! dont forget that even infants have a bone structure under the skin :+1:

Hello friend !!!

I am really impressed with the amazingly beautiful masterpiece created by you. I am sure that you will reach the heights one day.

All the very best for your bright future.

God Bless you !


Pankaj Malik

Business Development | CG Innovation

tnx as usual bro! 4 of the 7 books i’ve ordered just arrived! time to study! :wink:

Well…tnx a lot Malik! I really really appreciate you words! I don’t think i deserve it, but for shure one day I hope to improve more and more!

Great work Eidan !
Keep it up.

Tnx a lot due! I love your works! :wink:

Hello there! :smiley:

New sculpt started!

just started a new bust :wink:

You have to work more in the shape of the characters.
because the shape of the basemesh still there.

shure Dhyego! I’ve just started tweaking the base mesh… :wink:

Schermata 2010-11-21 a 20.39.24.JPG

ad the title says… :slight_smile:

happy new year folks! :smiley:

first sculpt og 2011…just a wip!
Schermata 2011-01-01 a 19.32.31.JPG