
Ed Harris

Amazing work! Very nicely done & certainly deserves the top row!

Striking likeness, good job.

Excellent work, very inspirational.

really great work, and top notch likeness.

The one thing that is disturbing me though is that the iris is too blurry for my taste.

Very cool work! Congrats with TOPROW!!!

Congrats ! you deserve it !

The render looks really awesome ! would be glad to see a mini tutorial of the final render .

Keep it up :+1:

The render looks awesome.

*Did you use KeyShot for the render? I have had issues with getting a realistic skin render in KS.

*A few words about your UVW process perhaps?



Thank you so much for your comments, guys!Yes i will do some WIP images to show you how i made my work.Just give me couple of days.Frederic in fact everything is done in Z Brush. Sculpt, poly-paint, render, color corrections and for the editing i used render filters in Z Brush.

Congratulation :+1:
Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Katerin, if you have done everything in ZB, I salute you!

Awesome work. Pls check PM.

If it was all done in zbrush I’m sure most would love to see your breakdown. :slight_smile:

…vivid! :sunglasses:

Great work!

Beautiful work! amazing!

Hello, Ed Harris, I’m new to this Digital Creative world Especially for Zbrush.
OMG, it is very tricky to understand Zbrush tool options and UI.
Can you please provide the tutorial for this Human Face. Please, this is my Humble request. :slight_smile: :small_orange_diamond:

very very good

Gorgeous! One of my fav’ actors.

Very damned good!!

Good gaawd this is good. Some of the facial hair stands out to me for some reason… sorry I can’t muster a better crit than that. Otherwise though, the eyes are profoundly good; very believable. Pretty spooky… you nailed it. Tutorials please! LoL :lol: