
Dragon Scout

astonished!! Cool very cool !!!

your gonna haveta redo the telescope i think…

gosh im so cynical.

nice work, jais! keep it up!!

The rider’s looking really cool. Right now he has a great naked native feel to him, like a Wose or something.

The only critique I have is that the tail on the dragon seems a bit stiff and angular. Other than that so far so good mate!


Plakkie>> Rascals. Nice term for them. Cause thats what I would like them to look like.

Mr.Monster>> Thanks.

Doktor X>> I think you are right about that it wouuld be nice to have the pointing hand free of the body. Will try it out later. Thanks for the input.

andreseloy>> :slight_smile:

slickmax>> Worked a bit on the telescope but I’ll give it some more details and stuff acutally.

reverendwyrm>> Hehe. Yeah he looks a bit wosy. Would like him to be more scout combined with wose, so I have put a hood on him.
Will work more on the pose of the dragon once I have put some more of the important elements into the model.


Just adding elements to get a better feel of how to pose the dragon in relation to these elements.
Think I’ll start the texturing now, before making to many more props and stuff.

C&C are of course very welcome.


I’m with the National Dragon Riders Safety Board, and I feel that the weight of that telescope and the outstretched manner of use captured in this image constitute a breach of safety protocol, Section IV, Sub-Section A56, Paragraph 67, Sub-Paragraph 3. You have 3 days to appeal, before this infraction is brought before the Dragon Board, who detest the waste of a rider after a Dragon has put so much training into him. They take many years to train such an individual at great cost of time and patience. The fine is 3,000,000,000 DRG and a review upon payment that this safety hazard has been rectified. :wink:

Looking great!

HAHAHA!! You are crazy. Thanks for the fantastic input. I’ll see what I can do about it.
Wouldn’t have National Dragon Riders Safety Board on my back— :confused: :lol:

Is that an ear poking through his hoody? Can we get some close ups? Hard to crit at this one angle.

Bryan Silva>> Yeah that was an ear poking through.
Made another hood for him.

After a long vacation, work, partying, women, beach, etc. etc.
I came back to this project.

I still miss a lot of stuff before texturing.

-I want to make another binocular.
-I want to make some kind of belt thing for the rider to hold on to when he is not holding the binoculars. Dont know what it is called in english but its the installation that goes from the mouth of a horse to the hands of the rider.
-I want to make the dragon hood a little different where the horns are cut off.
-I want to make some teeth for the dragon.
-A little more things and belts on the dragon as well.
-Better defention of the dragon scales.

Suggestions and crits are more than welcome.

I will post some more angles the next time.

the straps that go from the hands of the rider to the mouth of the beast are called reins. glad to help.

Slickmax>> Thanks mate :))

Havent got much time lately to do this dragonscout.
So not much new. Just modeling small things here and there. Testing poses.
Soon going to texture.
A little confused about texturing and making multi materials on model. Hmmm…
Must study that before I dig into it.

pic the material you want for that piece of tool…than press M
go to colour and fill object.
now the material will stay…turn of M when you done…now you can’t poly paint it.
if you press M again at a later stage…make sure you assign the same material as it was before or it will assign the selected material when you even smooth things…or what ever you do.
anyway hope i make sence…took me ages to find M…i just spotted it in the forum some where…same as some one saying…press E…for synchrone changing stuff.
hope some one will read this and go…heeyyy is that how you do it lol