

Thanks mate
I have a question regarding your video named
Local Subdividing for Detail
when we get the detail from ‘bad UV’ one back onto our original model via projection(or by any means) we don’t have extra geometry there, right. Now if I dont get extra geometry via projection in that particlar region why do I need to do this whole process. If geometry was already enough to accomodoate this projected detail then why do I need extra geometry at first place to acheive that detail. I am a bit confused about what we got here.
Its a great thread and best wishes…

as far as i know and tested, retopology quick tips doesn’t work anymore

I found Paint Topology video useful for me…so… Thanks PIXOLOGIC… :+1: :wink:

Thanks a lot!It’s really helpful!:+1:

Also little less sugar and caffeine could be a solution.

Fantastic. The zsphere rigging tutorials will be very usefull. I’ve never done it that way.

I have a question about the visibility one. I have used Grow and Shrink before, but can’t quite work out what I woudl use the Outer Ring one for. Any pointers?

Hi guy
It’s very useful, thank you for sharing! :smiley:

Hey Taemee

Yes you make a good point. When I made that video I was trying to show off multiple features. Now I would just use the UV Master to fix the UVs. That would be a whole lot faster. Great thought and thank you so much for taking the time to watch the videos and leave some feedback.

I am always looking for ideas and ways to improve the videos for the community.

Happy New Year.


Hello Community

Thank you so much for visiting the thread. I am currently putting the finishing touches on Part 3 of Rigging with ZBrush. It will be up soon.

cmoffitt – thank Chris!

bicc39 – I am all ears for anything you guys would like to see. :slight_smile: Next is Part 3 & 4 of Rigging and then some videos on tricks and specific brushes.

misha_dd – Thank you. Great idea. Next video I will try launching the virtual keyboard on the MAC.

ced66 – Let me double check this one Cedric. :slight_smile: Thank you.

Gordon Robb – Tough, but here is one thought. Lets say you have a cylinder that is now twisted. I want to make the faces right before the caps their own Polygroup. I could use the outer ring after I have grown my selection to this point. Thank you for raising more questions. Keep them coming.

I thank everyone for opening more questions. This is what I was hoping for as well. This will give me more ideas for videos. :slight_smile:

Happy New Year.


thanks. rigging one is really good. can you please put a download link for part 2/

Cant seem to get the retopology trick with shift key to work. Any ideas?

many thanks…
But custom menu has some bugs…Isnt it…?

I store configuration but when restart menu items change…
For example simple brush come zsphere gone… etc…


Did you make sure to save your configuration by going to Preferences>Config>Store Config?

If this step is not done at the end then ZBrush will open to the original configuration once restarted.

Let me know if this is what you were missing.

Happy Holidays


Gordon Robb

Your right. I took that one down. Thank you for catching this. :slight_smile:


great thread!
thanks for sharing!

Many thanks your reply…Gabo…
Today i arrange my menu again its ok…

I am 50 years old, some times i cant see…:smiley:

and hapy years. 2010 the best event for me zbrush 4…
I am hapier…Because i wait 50 years this kind of software…

I am planning to use it for digital art… Big prints and exhibition.
May be on canwas+ oil paint , or… plexiglas cover on print…
140*200 cm etc…

And my new pc delivered two days ago…
ssd raid 6 gb 1600 hz ram and good video card…

Now i can do better pictures… Good configuration is very important for

You can add a new industry catagory in advance … :wink:
Mix technique oil painting…

Thanks again but i have another wish for special menu…
Why cant we add some brush in light box ???


So glad you got the menu worked out. Your work sounds amazing. I would love to see some of it when you get some pieces complete. Please put them up on ZBrushCentral. :slight_smile:

As for brushes being added into Lightbox. What brushes are you saying can not be added?

To add a brush to Lightbox, just go to your root folder of ZBrush, save the brush in the folder called Zbrushes.

Here is the directory


Let me know if you have this.

Happy New Year to you.



Just added the video download for Part 2 of Rigging with Subtool Master. See you all later. :slight_smile:


Thanks Paul. Great to see an update on the thread and am about to enjoy your new vids.


Wow gabo…Thanks alot, this is great.