

Transform is Masterpieces of Michelangelo to realistic digital human, Practice quick work with a time limit of only 8 hours
Practice time management In averaging, do every step, To measure the quality with limited time, sculpted and textured in Zbrush, Hair in Maya Xgen, Rendered
with Arnold. Thank you all


patiphan-sottiwilaiphong-ref copy


looks great! :slight_smile: I just realized I’m so used to David being a stone lol

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Interesting project, never thought of thinking or imagining David as a digital human, well done and under 8 hours…:clap: Nice to see you posting @macpatiphan your The Forever is forever my favorite artwork :wink:

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:heart: :heart:

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Bravo. :+1:
Next , the Sistine Chapel ceiling in 16 hours.

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So cool man !

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Haha thank you so much :sweat_smile:

Thank you so much JAIME , I am very happy and honored.
I will keep trying. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pray:

Thank you friend :heart:

Thank you so much