

Frenchy Pilou, thank you!
Alexmarik, thank you!
JSOC, thank you!
Caetano, thank you!
Etcher, thank you very much for your feedback about my work!

Sonnenkind, these screenshots for you.



For a reflection on the surface of the eye, I used existing material from the library Glass Refractive White.

Sorry for the quality of the screenshots.





Much, much appreciated, my friend. I will try these out on my own characters. Keep putting up awesome art.

These settings are not universal, longer experiment with materials,
do not forget about lighting and the environment, and the result will be achieved.
I wish you good luck in your work.

Amazing! I wish I could have stood over your shoulder and watched this whole process unfold because to me these results are like magic!

I’ve seen a lot of great car renders in Keyshot, but never anything this good for a person, Your child face and skin are really great.
Actually everything about this is Top Row worthy, Congratulations!!

Beautiful, man! Congrats. Even the clay is very nice.

JonFoster, thank you!
ArtBot, thank you!
Dulasi, thank you!

Andrei, hello! Fred again.

Top row again! Well deserved!

Just like the “Russian Noblewoman” did you hand-paint the skin colour in ZBrush?

Or did you use photo reference material?

I have seen many artists use photo references for their diffuse textures, especially in the 3DS Max + VRay workflow.

In general what are your thoughts on using photo reference material?

Keep inspiring us all !

Hello, Fred!
Thank you for your feedback on my work!
skin color, freckles, her mouth made in ZBrush.
Photos have helped me to sculpt the head. But the color I did not use photographs.
Fred, the reference material is necessary because it helps to avoid errors in the work.
Best regards, Andrei.

amazing piece of art!. Congrats, Andrey!
thanks for sharing the material settings, i’m only starting to learn keyshot, you gave me inspiration

This is stunning. I’m so interested in your process for the dandelions–are these purely fibermeshes?

Hi, Lilhuttner!
In the picture made FiberMesh hair and bristles on the stems.
The flowers are made with a brush InsertMesh. A little later I’ll show you how I did dandelion flower.:slight_smile:

Stunning work and very cute!: Tu:
It’s been a long time since I’ve been trying to make a dandelion without success, and you managed it very gracefully and lightly, very good!