
Creature from the Black Lagoon

Yeah, I feel like i tackled something a little above my skill level with this project, but im learning and having fun with him at the very least =)

Looking great Eric! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
And without leaving the comfort zone once in a while nobody grows. Hmmmm reminds me of the head I still have to finish… sighhhh.
Lemo master of procrastination…

Thanks for the feedback fellas. Heres an update im a little more happy with.

Coming along, head down to your local swamp and take a snapshot for a composite picture , or maybe a movie poster.:slight_smile: 50.

Not a bad idea. Just wish I still lived in Florida =)
Heres a few wire shots of the body.



Hey sparty, the creature looks great so far, nice work!

50’s Kid, reading through this post I thought I would offer a bit of interesting trivia for you. I work in film special effects (not CG, old school creature making) although I have gained a new respect for the talents of CG artist through this site and learning zbrush…but anyway, I’ve had some breif discussions about the remake of creature from the black lagoon and it came up that monstermaker aka Rick Baker was asked to do it but he said he would only consider it if he could keep the same look as the original. But I think they wanted a new look:cry: .I asume so anyway, otherwise I wouldn’t have been discussing it in the first place.

(if your reading this rick, i hope you don’t mind.)

i’m a fan of gillman from a long time, i not like alot the remake wave, be cause everytimes hollywood want to do a remake of famous monster, want to change, modify and often in a bad way.

i like a lot king kong remake (i was a long time fan of original 33 version) be cause jackson did it with love and respect of big fan.

but i not like many other classic monster remake, too much videogames or videoclip stylized.

i’m happy if our big master rick want to preserve original aspect of gillman, he grow with it like many of us, and probably he wann’t to change a legend.

i remember an old fred dekker movie, if i remember correctly was Monster squad (1987), in italy was called with an bad and very different title, where gill man was revised in a good way from stan winston.

your gill man is amazing, very nice creatures.

That really bothers me if that is true. The creature is so iconic the way he is, it would really be stupid and typical of Hollywood to remake a movie that is so admired and fudge with everything that made it memorable. I hope that won’t be the case, I really do.

I saw “Monster squad” a few months ago. The Creature from the Black Lagoon in that movie looked awesome in my opinion. From what I can remember, they kept closely to the design of the original.

Hi sparty, I just had to jump online to check the progress of this post, keep going on it.

Hi bremel, thanks for the info. With Baker’s love for the classic films, who could do it better? I wonder how many hands-on makeup artists could make the transition to CG as well as he has in Zbrush. Do you find it difficult?

madrenderman, Webhead, my feelings exactly. I remember my cringing at the Godzilla remake a few years ago where they completely redesigned him. They took away much of the fun that could have been there. Now I’m not saying I expect them to use the same molds for the costmume,…just retain the feel and basic design. I remember the ‘Monster Squad’! That was a fun film. I did like the Gillman design they used,…now they could not have done something too close for legal reasons I’m sure, but it was a good look. But when you set out to remake and original classic,…honor the fans and don’t mess with it. Just my 2 cents. :smiley: Keep going, sparty! 50.

Hey 50’sKid, Ricks work has (as we all know) been awsome through the years and has inspired guys like myself. It’s nice to know he holds the older creatures in high regard and has a respect for them as film icons.
I guess the quick answer to ‘do I find it difficult’ would be to look at my posts:lol:

But seriously. On the surface I don’t find it difficult at all to “monstermake” in CG. Its alot quicker than producing the real thing. I go through the same processes, Sculpting, painting etc. Although it is hard to render a clay sculpt in the middle of the workshop:lol:
I find I do the same as Rick says he does. I relate my real world techniques to modelling. Like standing back from the computer to gain a better and all over perspective of the sculpt & use different lighting and materials in the sculpting process.

The thing I do find difficult and very frustrating is that Im still learning the software and how to achieve the look I want in CG world. For example, my post yesterday of ‘creepy’ is a concept for a new film. I was part of the creature crew on Star Wars and was trying to achieve the same look as burnt Anikan/Darth Vader but I simply don’t have the CG knowledge. After many hours I ended up with something I was happy with but it still wasn’t what I wanted.

I have had no training what so ever in CG. I came across zbrush not long ago & have been diligently trying to teach myself. At the moment I think I’m able to use about 10% of zbrush potential. I think with artistic & talented people, it doesn’t matter what the medium is. Its just a matter of learning the techniques, and you will produce great work. This forum has shown me that time & time again.
I just realized how much I’m rambling on, so sorry about the long post.

Heres a quick update with him posed.


Looks great… :+1: :+1: :+1:

Bremel, I love to sculpt, but I find it somewhat difficult to work in digital, I just want to reach in the monitor and grab it, maybe someday we can do that.:smiley:

sparty, good looking update, did you pose him in Zbrush? I’m also curious if you are a sculptor too? 50.

great !
:sunglasses: :+1:

Lemonnado: Thanks!

Buckie: Thanks!

50: I ended up doing a quick rig for him in maya, and then imported to posed obj into zbrush.
Professionally, I do a mix of all CG. But I greatly prefer modeling =) All my free time goes towards modeling/digital scuplting =) I’ve played around a little bit with sculpey, and loved it. But, as I said before, I have limited free time, so I do what makes me most happy (modeling in zbursh).

Drummer: Thanks!

I worked on a swamp for this guy last night. I’ll be doing the same tonight, and hopefully I’ll have a new update with him walking through a swamp tomorrow =)
Thanks for the feedback everyone. This has changed from just a quick head sculpt to an all out project for me. I really have fallen in love with the concept of this creature. I guess all those trips to the swamp were they shot the movie have finally paid off, hehe.

Heres a quick shot of the swamp WIP =)


Heres another small update. I think I’m going to start texturing everything tonight.

Looking great! Would be good fun to integrate him into a picture of the New York Time Square Crowd waiting in line to buy a musical ticket. Also Monsters want to be entertained hahaha.