
Crazyfool's Sketchbook :)

grrreat works:D:+1:

dude, those are jams are ace, keep up the crazy sculpting, it is super inspiring.

take care!

That is a bad-ass ninja turtle! And is that Princess Mononoke?
I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing that turtle textured;D

These are simply fantastic. The figure (shape) of the first one is so realistic (as opposed to the stylised figures we see so often). I love it. And the subtle wrinkling of our outfit.

So great! Loving that turtle… and all of the others. :+1:

great work! Congrats on a well deserved top-row!

Congrats on the top-row !well deserved! :D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Fantastic sculpting. Dig the stuff on your site.

amazing stuff here :+1: really enjoyed each of them

really great works!

Great work!

Pretty Neat Stuff here :+1:

simply amazing…a feast for my eyes :smiley:

Great stuff!!

Really nice work!!

thank you very much everyone for the kind words :slight_smile: it means alot

heres an anatomy base to my next character :slight_smile: still a bit wip though. Hes gonna be completely covered in clothes in the end but a good base is always good :slight_smile:


Awww pixels :stuck_out_tongue:
Amazing musculature work here, and i like the vein detailing

thanks :slight_smile:

heres something I made for the facebook fan art challenge, was alot of fun and I learnt loads!!!


AMAZING! post more renders please!

Great work!