
Crazy 3D Work Gumbo

your work is great… especially that dragon is awesome :+1: … can you tell me how did you rendered it ??

Thanks alnaqbi. I am not an expert at all in rendering, but I am going to tell you how I did my render. Basically, I did a standard BPR render located at the render menu up top. Its a Zbrush 4 feature as far as I know. I added a secondary cooler fill light and my standard key light I made it a bit warm. All of this is in the Light menu up top. Frankly I think my render is too dark but it is a step up from the basic viewport.

Here is a render I did today of my WIP Venetian mask. I am going to start looking up tutorials on how to do better Zbrush renders because it affects presentation quality A LOT!


thanx for sharing :smiley: … and i want to ask … how did you made that pic look so nice did you used photoshop or something ? and if did can you tell me ?.. if you don’t mind me asking :slight_smile:

Sorry I took forever to answer your question alnaqbi . For the dragon I exported the document from Zbrush as a PSD then just composed all my images in Photoshop by cropping and moving. Nothing fancy. I could spend all day tweaking and painting but that shows more of my photoshop skills than my 3D skills, if that makes sense. I’ll try to get better renders soon, that way my work doesn’t need any photoshopping.

Here is an update on the mask. Tried a little color and I will probably be adding some pizazz on one side like feathers or something. mask_render_3.jpg

awesome mask and nice coloring i like how you pick the colors … and by the way, if i were you i would use both … i mean zbrush rendering and photoshop skills … cuz i wish if am pro like you in photoshop … :+1: good job bud

Here is a rat creature that I am working on for fun. I was going to do it with fur but then I imagined how creepy those hairless rats are.

its ok if u did a lil bit of a fur … i mean on the head, on the back, and on the hand … but a lil bit not like a normal rat … it will be more creepy … but overall good job :+1:

Started playing around with the Dynamesh feature in the new 4R2. This is what came out. It’s a reworking of my earlier baby demon. Oh yeah and I used wax preview and lightcaps a bit too.


Polypainting and testing the render filters. I have a lot of practice ahead of me lol.


Here is another demon themed sculpt; a Chaos shield from the Warhammer universe, we all know how awesome those concepts are. I really gotta lay off the spikes, teeth and horns. Maybe do some plants next, or jolly things.


The shield looks fantastic. I would say go all out and color it next. But if you want to do some sort of plant and/or jolly object. I would say just dig straight into both of those and make a plant based Santa Clause. Wait that idea sounds good I should do that lol.

Thanks for the reply. Maybe I will take YOUR idea MUAHAHA(jk). On a serious note I am trying to polypaint it and make a material but I can’t seem to get that obsidian/blue glowing effect. Maybe I am doing something wrong but it just doesn’t look right. I will post a test soon.

Definitely take a look at the Zbrush Database of MatCaps they have online, they have a ton and i believe they have some stuff that glows in which you can just change the base color. I am actually not to familiar with generating my own materials.

WOW!look is like a Beholder!Great work!

Yes it does overmind82 lol. Glad you like it.

Here is an update on the shield.


Here is an armor sculpt I am working on. WIP.


Here is an update on my armor. I was really playing around with the specular in the lightcap and trying to create good lighting. I’ll have to really study up on that.


Awesome shield! The armor is looking pretty good too, but I feel like it needs some harder edges. Nice!