
Close Up portraits

wauw! absolutely fantastic.

would to see a little “behind the scenes” on this… -if you don’t mind.


Just perfect !!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

amazing work! well done :wink:

Wow really rally love the eyes they ar so alive!!! Congrats very well deservd the tpo row!!!

Unbelievably beautiful. She is stunning, amazing job.


great stuff

That’s incredible! If you can add the right amount of blur, saturation and noise then you could make these look photorealistic.

It’s close, though.


Wow… walk-through please… absolutely amazing work!

WOW! That is incredible detail!! And a brilliant render out of MR… great work man! I’d love to see a shader & lighting break down… thanks for sharing and congrats on a well deserved top row! :+1:


Would love a short video showing the alpha stamp play you used for the skin texture work, and another one showing how you used maya fur to make the peach fuzz and eyebrows.

And I thought I’d done well texturing a mushroom :slight_smile:

Bravo Sir :+1:

incredible work! Is the gray render from zbrush or maya, i’m doubtful since you have the maya hair loaded onto the screen but the bg looks like it’s from zbrush?

nice work!

Wow ! Great sculpt & great render ! :grimacing:

that is unbelievable!!
It’s a CG character that actually looks beautiful. no uncanny wally just gorgeous.
And like everyone else, I would love to see a making off. :slight_smile:

down to the translucency of the tooth enamel…Fantastic work

Awesome!! :+1: :slight_smile:

Very nice. The shading is very good. Love it.
Ahh i see you used Monica textures?

look at the detail!great job!:+1: :+1:

great job…:+1: