

Disculpen por la imagen, tuve que juntarlas por que creo que no esta permitido poner de una en una. :confused:

All your commentaries are welcome :wink:

Please be courteous to your fellow ZBC members. :slight_smile:

The bottom row of thumbnails has only 8 spots available. If you already have an image in the bottom row, please do NOT create a new post to upload a new image. Instead, go back and edit your previous post.

If you want your new image to replace the previous one in the bottom row, then edit the image tag from your previous one to say ATN and /ATN instead of ATT and /ATT. This tells ZBC not to create a thumbnail for that image, and it will then skip to the next image in the post.


Disculpa, no sabia que era descortes con el foro de zbrush. :wink:
Se me hizo mas comodo subir de una en una la imágen, como estoy en render, termino y subo la otra, no sabia que se amontonaban las imagenes, nuevamente mis disculpas, de hecho, no habia entrado al Main Forum, no me habia dado cuenta de lo que me indicas, creo que ya lo solucione el asunto. espero pueda seguir subiendo imagenes, si no, me notifican por favor .
Saludos .

cool collors hombré!

i dont really understand it yet.
i really like the image with the door.
anyways confusing style? :stuck_out_tongue:
i love 2 see a animation btw.


Thanks joep, I am working in the animation at this moment.
When I finish it, I give you the Link.

superb, josueh3d!
thx man.

Estructura principal 2

Test facial 1. Ledrack