
Chindian's 3D Sketch & WIP Thread

yeah man, its a blast. well. i reckon you need a good ground in 3d to make the most of it but its good stuff. and nigel is wicked. i definately wont miss pats 2D animation classes tho. word.

oh and im 3D73

henrysouth - Ok kool dude… good class number (for some reason odd number classes always end up stonger… dunno why?) But still work hard… VFS is only as good as how much u put into it. WERD.

Ok - so finally finished redoing everything I lost yesterday and also started some texturing…

Still have some things to fix in the textures and also start painting in the blemishes from the sculpt… Also need to sculpt in the eyebrows… but other than those minor tweaks - i’m gonna call this one pretty close to finished…
Next week I’ll probably throw it into Maya and generate the maps and hook up the shader and maybe do some lighting tests…





Ok - so finished up the work on the fat dude… Llyode. Textures are pretty much done - other than a little photoshop touch ups… the sculpt is done also… So it’s now just to generate maps, etc for him… But i think i’ll work on getting the other models done also before i continue on this…


Also finished up the sculpt on the old elf dude… added some scars, tightened up some details… added some more aging to him… tryin to make him feel like maybe a retired elf warrior/archer… still need a name for him - any suggestions? Also - i’m gonna start working on a back story for him - as well as some clothing and a scene to put him in…
Here’s what I got:


Anyways - that’s about it for now… Gimme some feedback! Crits & comments always welcomed!






great elf sculpt. i feel that u shoudl do something with the eyes. maybe make one of them a creamy blind dead eye? maybe slightly transparent skin.

henrysouth - Havent worked on the eyes as yet - but yea - i was thinkin about making one of his eyes maybe cataract… we’ll see. It will depend on what works best with the piece I guess… Thanks for the feedback!!

Anyways - I started working on the clothing this week… It’s been really hectic for me of late… Life has been getting busy with some other things coming up - like the passing of a best friend’s dad… so workin on these projects has slowed down a bit for me… hopefully this time will pass and I should be back on track soon…

I did a quick rough sketch of the costume idea I have for this model…
I figure I wanna make him look like maybe a veteran elven archer… A guy who’s been through his share of battles, maybe it was an encounter with an orc while defending his people that he got that ear injury? Who knows…
The way I wanna present him is as that seasoned warrior, looking out toward the horizon maybe… maybe expecting the return of a beloved son, or perhaps just keeping a vigilant eye out for threats as he has done for all these years… In any case - he’s a dutiful and valiant archer faithfully standing guard at his post…


I’m thinkin to maybe use some photography from my home country while i’m here as the background - because the natural beauty here in Trinidad is something alot of people may not be familiar with…

Here’s the WIP sculpt:
Just got the base meshes into ZB and started roughing in some details…

Crits and comments are more than welcomed! So let me hear your feedback!





Good work! :+1:

fantastic sculpting skills:D nice and clean;)

3dommi - thanks!

Stephenrminkin - Appreciate it! :smiley:

Ok… so it’s been a rough past weeks… and production for me on these models has slowed down quite a bit… however I’m lookin forward to this next week to get things rolling once again!

Haven’t got alot of progress to show on the elf, so I’ll hold off on that till I can show a bit more work on it. But I did manage to get in contact with a concept artist who’s character I’ve been wanting to do since I saw it on Dominance War… Mr. Remko Troost has been kind enough to allow me to try my hand at making a 3D rendition of his concept sketch for the character Uuka. (His entry to the Dominance War 3 competition) Many thanks to Remko for the brilliant concept and character!! You rock dude!

Here’s the concept art:

You can check out the full thread for his concept art here.

Here’s my base mesh for the body:


And here’s where I’m at right now with the sculpt:


Anyways - it’s gonna be hard trying to finish all these models in time for siggraph… I hope I haven’t bitten off more than i can chew… But at least it gives me plenty to work on and play with… I think my main focuses will be the Elf and this Uuka model… then the Eva model and if I have the time i’ll finish up the rest of them…

Well - looking forward to your feedback & I’ll try to get more updates soon…
(Also - still lookin for a name for the old elf… any suggestions?)

And thanks again to Remko!






Uuka looks great ! I loved the original concept, i can’t wait to see your 3D version. Keep up the good work !

Rock on man! That old elf is fantastic, as well as the texturing on that fat guys head. Really liking how the centaur is shaping up.

HellGrind - Thanks… yea - i’m really lookin forward to workin on that model! But first i think i’ll be finishing off the old elf here…

Dryn - Thanks man! I’m really glad u’re likin it!

Ok - so here’s a small update on the Old Elf… worked a bit more on his clothing… refining the sculpt and adding some details.


I’ll be back full steam this week - so lookin forward to getting alot more done on him.

As always - comments and crits are more than welcomed!!



That looks terrific man, I’ll not be so pretentious as to critique your work :slight_smile:

hey chin,you working hard.keep posting man.:slight_smile: :+1:
waiting something new from you.:wink:

antsin3d - haha - thanks man… But crits are the whole reason I post on here… I value a good critique!

rodion vlasov - thanks man. i’ll do my best to keep it coming!

Here’s another small update… worked a bit on some detailing on the strap


Lookin forward to more crits and comments from you guys!




Ok - so here’s a small update again…

Did some work on the shoulder armour piece and detailing the other strap…


Also - for those who are curious - made a little mini-tutorial for the process of modeling the shoulder armour piece…


  1. Started off with a plane - sculpted the leaves into that.
  2. Deleted the excess polygons using hide polys - delete hidden.
  3. Retopo’ed the piece
  4. Used mesh extract to extract the surface with thickness then continued sculpting…

Anyways - lookin forward to hearing your comments and crits…




looking good man, luv the detail on the straps kep going

omarfernandes - thanks man!

Ok - so finished up the sculpt on the old elf. Gotta lay the UVs and start texturing this week. Hoping to finish up the texturing and get started on rigging him during the week…
Anyways - here’s some orthos:


And a close up…


Lookin forward to hearing your feedback!




Ok - so spent all of yesterday and today laying UVs and generating maps out of zbrush… So did some quick lighting and shading tests in maya - just checking out the maps and roughing out the colour scheme I’m thinking of going with as well as the lighting…
Both are subject to change quite a bit… but here’s the first pass…

(I didn’t wanna go for the traditional elf colours - green and browns - so I thought I’d mix it up a bit - maybe more of a night elf feel…)


And a close up:


And here’s the lighting setup in case u’re curious:


I’m using an HDR for reflections and a sphere with the render stats turned off as a photon bouncer which surrounds the entire scene… Rendered with FG - no GI.

Looking forward to your comments and crits!!






Did some texturing today on the hood and the face - still not done the face texture - so far it’s just the colour maps with the normal maps on there… I should have the face and hood maps done by tomorrow (SSS, Spec, Reflect, etc…)


Close up:


And in case you’re wondering about the textures… I’m going hand painted all the way on this one… Wanna see how far I can push it. So all the textures are going to be hand painted this way… no photos used.


Looking forward to hearing your feedback!




