
Characters Wips & Rapid Prototyping - H.Alvarado

Droolz…amazed…the quality of the prints is awsome…ooo i want that trexy thats so so nice…freaky good work…

Great works!

wow the quality of yours and Herbert’s outputs is awesome! Now I want one too …:cool: :lol:

Didn’t get to keep it! Tantrum! hahahaha. Well looks incredible man. And the new one. Love the size of the character. That jacket is bad ass. Reminds of the bouncers at the clubs. hahaha.

Hey, El Oso came out great too.

Could you give a rough range on how much a print like him cost?
I’ve been wanting to get some of my models printed too, but have no idea about the process.

Great job! can we see some wireframes?

I have a question, to make the vest and the belt/suspender dealys hanging off his knickers =] did you use a mesh extract?

thanks guys, they were fun to work on and seeing them in their physical form is also pretty rewarding.
intervain: thanks magda, you have many great character you might consider printing :slight_smile:

rockinakin:sorry i havent the slightest idea how much the full price is for this stuff, I imagine the prices vary from every shop. The process is fairly simple, once your modelis done you just have to cap the holes in the geo (watertight) then you can pretty much just send it to the printed like that.

cptnspeed: for the vest yes but for the suspender/belt stuff i just modeled it by hand by extruding a cube and moving the verts along the pants.





What printer are these guys using? I saw in the pics some of their stuff was at the ZCorp Booth. Is that the printers offload are using?

Amazing stuff.

great digital sculpts and printers

Alex Oliver

wow…great works ! just amazing !

Wow awsome work!! Can we see the base mesh for the T-rex? That would be very kind of you! Keep up the good work, i saved your website also :slight_smile:

WOW That Dino is came out so awesome, beautiful stuffs!

thanks guys , just realized i had this thread going and accidentally made a new one for my new character.
As you can tell its from the Chaos Marauder warhammer class of characters , i was really inspired by all the great concept art and the one blur did for their trailer i decided to make my own.
Feedback/critiques always welcomed.




thanks for posting this amazing 3D illustrations, I am new in this 3D world and try to teach myself ( not easy after work)… I love your work and i enjoyed playing Turok for hours… Thanks.

great works!! :+1:

Hey heber! how are u doing man! happy new year by the way… :smiley:

Awesome sculpt dude. its very clean and definitely resembles the concept a lot! Great work…i would do a background environment for him when ur done with him though…i think that would be real nice…i have a little tiny comment…i think the ankle and the feet could be a little thicker in mass…the rest feels great though.
Looking forward for more progress dude!

cheers hebss!


thanks for the comments guys, currently working on a game friendly mesh and textures and will post those soon,
heres a shot of some of the subtools from zbrush where you can see some detail a little better, its safe to say that without subtools this model would have been a complete nightmare (chains, armour pieces etc).
Also made extreme use of the "project all " feature in zbrush to save my self lots of time and not having to export back out to max to fix topology and merge meshes (amazing feature often missed).

fab: thanks buddy, you are right, i will fix it soon just for you :wink:

Looking very awesome Hebs!
great to see new personal works from you.
I look forward to seeing the low res and texture version.
and make sure it’s water tight :wink:

Wow this looks great …details have come through well …and Chaos Marauder is really badass

have wanted to get a mesh printed :smiley:

if you dont mind me asking how much would it cost for a sculpt like El Oso?


Realy higth quality !!! :+1: