
Centaurus Morosus, Jelmer Boskma

great character and very good anatomy:+1:

Hey Jelmer

Great model. I like the detailing. Those are some funky eyebrows too!

Are you going to texture him?

I agree this should be top row, but I’m a big fan of your work anyway!

AS usual, Stunning work…just jaw dropping…

fantastic sculpt especially in the microdetails, i never liked the human 4 legs hybrids but thats just personal preference

You have really pushed the traditional idea of the centaur, I love it. I especially like how you handled the muscular transition between the front human and animal anatomy. I love looking at this. :slight_smile:

Chris Curtis: I am not going to texture him for atleast a while. I’ve been working with zb3’s polypaint tools over the last month, and I have to say that painting textures has gotten a lot more fun. I might texture him in the near future. If the mood is right :wink:

Thanks again everyone, your replies are a hearthwarming payoff after the hours of work :slight_smile:

Amazing work ,really inspiring,keep it up!:smiley:

Gorgeous character, Jelmer; I love its unique proportions. I’m very interested in how you rendered it. Did you use displacement? I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on your rendering process.

I saw this creature, then I read a few posts…

I have been sculpting professionally for over ten years.
In my professional opinion, you’re hired. I don’t have any advice to give you on realism, that made me laugh out loud. My wife sculpts professionally too (for many years) and she pointed out that lots of the people that go to your school, or up in that part of Canada, come out with beautiful stuff.

I just want to say that this is great, and you have a great website, and I tip my hat sir. This is blocked out well, detailed well, and it is unlike any other centaur I’ve seen. I find myself lost in the details. This is magic. Well done.


Adam: Thanks :slight_smile: I’ve lit and rendered this guy in Softimage XSI. What you see in the renders is the 4.5 milion polygon high res mesh with a high freq detail bumpmap.
The model was lit with simple area spotlights and rendered in Mental Ray. I touched up the renders slightly in photoshop and I think that’s about all.

Cherreborne: Thank you for your kind words man.