
BLONDE(Realtime character) addl pics Pg 6


awesome model :+1:

\o/ amazing workā€¦beaultiful :smiley:

you did an absolutely stunning job on her, love the face and hair :smiley:
for the hair did you just extrude edges or spline model or?
great job :slight_smile:

Enegise, Hai Phung, naghi, IRONMONKEY, Thank you so much for those kind words.
polterizer, ghost-d, BlackMATH, huber, Thank you for watching my work with interest.
robertrageson, Sorry, middle poly. I didnt care polycount because this is Personal work:) thanks~~
O/MI, TribunMaximus,dantert, Som80, servitu, Thank you for watching my work with interest.
Recorgasm, LrZo, Alexlovessculpt, EZRA52, thank you!!!
rodrigo23, arthurduque, gahpe, Really appreciatedā€¦!
Rikk The Gaijin, haha~Is Catherine blonde?:slight_smile: thanks guy~~:)
FatherO, nguhoc_pro, sattstudio, RJ the eccentric, Karthik.AL,Thank you for watching my work with interest.
Cinoklu, BUSNISMANPATRIOT, JohnnyRaptor, al1.ch, Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot guys!

bukkit, thanks to your advice! I will improve next work!!
mutte696, sar7iel, cascardi, Thank you so much for those kind words
masc, Sorry, middle poly. I didnt care polycount because this is Personal work:) thanks~~
dillster, ummā€¦ I used material only bline with diffuse map, spec map, normal map. This is all.
(Hairs spec map is very important!!) Im sorry this is not best answer.
Danilo Athayde, TheMonkeyKing, chokata, Vitinho_m, Thank you so much!
YBourykina, yes, I used spline model. thanks guy:)

I saw this on CG Hub - INCREDIBLE!!


Def following this thread. Awesome work!

Really impressive work ! I love your style

I must agree, this model is top notch. I love the workflow as well. starting off in maya, then refining the model in ZBrush. This is the exact same workflow Iā€™m using for my work at the moment. I just with I knew the polygon count of your work.
Still, awesome work, Ki yong, Sim! Keep up the good work.

Really beautiful! Congratulations man :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: top row

Why this is not yet in the Top Row??!! Awesome dude!

This amazing, love it

Wow, model looks amazing! Thanks for sharing.

Breathtaking! Wonderful sculpt and pose ā€¦ i love the thumb hooked around the bag strap! Top Row for sure! :smiley:

Cheers, David

Why? why?why? No top?


Absolutely belongs in the Top Row, no doubt about it.

Fantastic job.


top row work man (y)

Awesome work! :wink: