
Batman, (personal concept).

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

texturing in process.

Good job!! keep on it!!!:+1:

Enhorabuena por tan buen trabajo :slight_smile:

Saludos dese Barcelona!!

Gracias amigo. :slight_smile:

Great, I like your model bery much!
Sigue así!

Gracias por tu comentario.

Va de lujo Fer, genial modelo :wink:

Gracias amigo Mario :smiley:

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

texturing in process.

Batman, personal concept.

:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:nice texturing and progress !!


The models looking great, I always quite enjoy seeing what people come up with when they go ‘outside of the box’ with the design of well known characters.

Can i just ask for clarification sake, are all parts of this model created entirely within ZBrush? Because so many tend to do the base mesh work outside in other programs then bring it in and it would be nice to see that it can be done just using ZBrush alone.

Hello dude, thanks for your comment. I will clarify that the entire model has been entirely made in Zbrush. Each finished part I’ve will made their respective retopology in Zbrush of course.

(Sorry about my english)