
BANE (The Dark Knight Rises)

top row

Fantastic work on the cloth mate, looked at the video and really fantastic work!:+1:
One question on the sculpting, did you sculpt these folds with reference or freestyle?
Looks like you are using the standard brush for the folds!
Nice seeing you sculpting, very interesting!
Looking forward to more!:+1:
Happy sculpting,

  • Kenny =)

:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing: I’m speechless!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Samar, you’ve hit a home run with this one. It difficult to stop staring, so many fine details, and I have rarely seen cloth handled so well. Thanks for posting the video.

This is great! I love the polyframe view because I can see all of the little straps and details as separate subtools. It’s also nice to see another artist’s workflow on things like folds/etc. One question I have is did you do all the strap work in Zbrush or an exterior program? and if you did do them in Zbrush what was your process?

thanks everyone! glad you liked it…
@DeathMetalDan thanks.i will post the strap workflow video soon.

This is madness !!
Top row for sure :+1:

Awesome! I can’t wait to see it! I’m actually in the process of doing a character with a tactical vest of sorts so it will be great to see your workflow!

nice work…awesome work on wrinkles …thnx for video…:+1:

Fantastic work. Top row

Really great folds. Awesome work. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

guyz thanks so much for the kind words…
Herez the tutorial on how i did the staps for the jacket.not sure if this the exact way of doing it, but this was my approach. :wink:

i am attaching the strap alpha here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/810434/strap_alpha.psd

Hope you like it.
I am also attaching the ztool of the shirt if anybody would find it useful to observer the wrinkles.


Thanks and happy zbrushing !

render-3 thumb.jpg

Cool stuff man! :+1: Love your work.

btw. wtf you’re doing in Chezh? PM pls )

Samar you are awesome bro, really appreciate that you made a tutorial on the strap,giving the alpha with it and letting us study your shirt wrinkles !:+1:small_orange_diamond:):warning:

Thanks for the tutorial and the freebies!

excellent model, and thank you very much for taking the time to make the tutorials.

I would take out the shirt tho… it’s not part of the design, and it’s covering all the works you did on your model’s body (and those are really nice anatomy works)… if you want to study cloth wrinkles and drapes, I would suggest you to do it on a new model…

anywya the model is great, keep it up

Very nice! Thank you! :+1:

Very cool! Just wondering how many polygons that is using up.

Thanks everyone.

Thanks. but are you sure the shirt is not a part of the design?? might wanna double check on it eh.:wink:

this is top row work and super clean !! great work samar :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: