
BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Challenge

Gerardo (Lalo) Kononovas’ URL: http://decoruscreatura.blogspot.com

Tihomir Dimitrov’s URL: http://www.sculpto.blogspot.com

BadKing’s FREE Mega Monster Pack is finally here!!!
I’ve separated it into several Brush Sets starting with the Arms and Hands.

Here is the Download Link:

Lend me your ears… Here is our next Brush release.

BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Pack -Teeth and Tongue Release.

BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Pack - Monster Heads Release.

BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Pack - Monster Horns and Antlers Release.

Enjoy the free Download :slight_smile:

BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Pack - Monster Torso Release.

BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush Pack - Wings and Parts Release.

Here is our very last release for the Mega Monster Pack Release.
BadKing’s Mega Monster Brush - Legs and Feet.

Enjoy :wink:

I can’t get to your website to work??

We have just recently changed to a new server with a new IP address. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line a few DNS servers have not received the update which is why some of you can’t access the site.

Here is a post I put up that should help fix the problem:


Hope this helps, let me know how you go :slight_smile: