
Artfulshrapnel Sketchbook

Getting a bit more into hard surface work with this latest piece. I’ve never done anything quite this complex when it comes to hard surface modeling, relied a lot on Dynamesh and insertmesh to get me through. Pretty pleased with the result overall though! He just needs some optional guns (they attach on those two extruding neck joints with the spheres in them) and he’ll be 100% good to go!


very original one. Like the steam punk style to it. a few more details and some nice texture work and this one will rock :smiley: looking forward to seee the final result :+1: keep it up

Thanks, glad you like it! Not sure if this one will get textures and additional details or not, since it’s intended as 3d printed miniature. Would be neat as a display piece, but when the AD looks at it they might actually grade me off for “including details that won’t read at scale”, given taht the whole thing will only be about 3 inches long!

“Son, when you’ve been rampaging through hell as long as I have, you’ll learn to enjoy the good things in life. I mean, not too good. We’re still demons, after all…”


Something a little more organic today. Trying to work on my muscle/structure definition, and break my symmetry addiction. About 30 minutes so far which included a first rough concept sculpt, qremesh, then broke symmetry and worked it back up to here. I’ve been finding great success with a new Clay Buildup method for organic muscle shapes. This one is obviously a WIP, the horns need to be worked on and I intend to finish the shoulder area at all.

You got some cool stuff in here, love the mech :+1:

Took a bit of a break to study anatomy the 2d way for a bit, coming back in with a bit more confidence. Warmed back up to zBrush by doing a quick version of my favorite Pathfinder critter. Probably about 1 hour total.

Sculpted in several pieces from a dynamesh sphere.


New process. Started with a skull, added bones and basic muscles, inflated, then sculpted in detail. Worked out good!


Continuing on, working on a more elaborate full-character sculpt. This guy is intended to be a miniature, so the outfit elements (cloth etc) are a bit exaggerated in terms of thickness to make sure they’ll cast cleanly.

Still a WIP, going to be finishing the anatomy sculpting, adding more armor detail and accessories over the course of the week, and giving him some hands and shoes.




Spent the rest of this evening (after catching Skyfall, lots of fun) finishing this guy up. I think he’s just about done, now just have to see if he’s 3d printable…


Got some better renders done of this guy, getting started on my next project now!


Impressive character!
The whole thread is full of excellent work.
And, a great technique of course.

Print 'em up and sell him as a mini!