
Art of God of War:Ascension

Oh my goddd , I 'm so admire you guys !! The works will be impress me for a long time !!! Good job !!!:+1:

looking great! The details are incredible :slight_smile:

Fantastic work!

nice now you can say how it’s possible to make retopology for this stuff in game :slight_smile:

This shouldn`t be top row…

This IS top row…

Meaning every artist should aspire to reach heights of this level!!!

I’m blown away.
Is there such a thing as a good trauma? Being shellshocked by amazing art?
You’re a great team.
Presentation is great too, I wish I could play the game without textures, in slow motion and first person perspective, just to inspect your sculpts in real time :slight_smile:

Freakn Epic!.. Congrats

very great job guys
can we see final models with textures and wireframe?

I follow you.This awesome work master :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I’ve played all the others, so shut up and take my money! Awesome work. :+1:

…serial killer images! :+1:
We can see some little pieces of architectures : create more o them! :slight_smile:

Somebody!!! Help!!! I lost my jaw looking at this thread!!! WOW!!!



Woah! a goldmine of awesome!! inspiration abound! thanks for sharing! incredible art!

Wow! my brain can´t handle so much amazing art! :smiley:

Great scuplts, very inspiring work.

Overloaded with awesomeness! Congrats on being on top, and making a fun and visually wicked game!

These are all just CRAZY good! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome Work :+1:


Great work!