
André Holzmeister Skin Texture Pack

…from one month ! :+1:

Thanks André! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :sunglasses: ! Will post pics when I use some of the textures :slight_smile: .

Valeu André!! :slight_smile:

Great texture pack, and what a blessing this is. I was pretty disencouraged of texturing my models, because I never got around in doing what you did, gathering, fixing and catalogueing. Im very grateful you did. Soon ill post something in here with the stuff you provided :smiley:

Abraços, e brigadão

Thank you very much! What a wonderful collection. I must admit I threw up a few times, looking at some of them :wink: some are far too realistic to view on a full lunch! [just kidding].

acmepixel - you should have seen the pictures they came from LoL :lol:

Thanks guys, i really hope it helps!

HEY…Thanks a Million…Andre…Fantastic Gift…:smiley: :+1:
I just tried out a few of them on a little speed sculpt I had laying around collecting dust…posted it in my sketchbook…don’t want to clutter up yours.
These are going to make things so much easier for me…I haven’t explored texturing that much yet,…but these are for sure going to inspire me to head in that direction sooner than I had imagined I would…Thanks Again Andre.:slight_smile: :+1:

First!! :smiley:

I wanted to post here what Ive done with the textpack. I should have finished the sculpting on this model because is long overdue, but when i unziped those texties i felt an urge to try em out. So heres what Ive done, its kinda subtle but I promisse they are there :smiley:

Novamente Valeu André!


Thank you very much, Andre :+1:

cheers djart

OOPS,…I posted what I did in my own sketchbook first…didn’t read that you wanted the results in yours until just now…THANKS AGAIN Andre…Fantastic Gift…:+1:

NEW FACE 7.jpg


NEW FACE 6.jpg

Nice textures…thanx :smiley:


Boy O’ boy am I jealous… I have no idea what is wrong with my IE8. It just won’t download this file :cry: . When I have tried I always get a truncated file of 19.0MBs instead of your full 19.976MBs. I have tried everything I can think of including upgrading my AlZip.exe. I have been working extensively with 3DSK images so I know all of the work that you have gone to to make this collection. Its fun to see the results that others are getting.


Hyper, i had this problem too, but I downloaded again, and it worked.

Thanks André!!

really nice collection! thanks for posting.
must be a real big hit, rapidshare is too busy to download :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a mirror for the file, via Mediafire

Download Mirror 1

Hope it works for you!

thanks, the mirror site worked like a charm. great textures, thanks a lot!

Thats just awsome! thank you Andre!

Hi Andre…:slight_smile:
Just wanted to thank you again for the great set of skin textures…:+1:
I am just starting to explore their possibilities and endless capablilities when combined and overlapped ect.
You said you wanted to see what people are doing with your skin texture set in this thread, so here are my 2nd and 3rd tries at using them.
I did the eyes, hair, teeth, and everything on these using your skin textures.
Should be alot better after try #50, but hey, it’s a start anyway…:smiley:
Thanks again for sharing Andre…GREAT set of skin textures…:+1: :slight_smile:




AWESOME!!!:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Links to download aren’t working again.

Looks like a sweet pack though!
