
Ancient Tribe Of Manu

ye…u have problem with Anathomy…on his Muscles(eyes…arm…body…)…and his pose…
good Luck !!!

…necklace :wink:

Update: ok jsut a few minor updates here, post work don in PS using burn and lighten tool to fill in shdows and highlights.

Faustov/ Luis / Ron /Skull_Monster / Frenchy Pilou thanks for your comments and feedback. havn’t got time to reply in this post as I’m off to tenerrife for a week of sunshine. So I’m kinda rushing around. but will post back on return.


Hi everyone, well I’m back from the sunshine and back in rainy england:cry:

Well obviously i havn’t been able to do much more to this yet, so I’m just posting a an image that shows the 3 skin shaders i used to try and get a realistic effect. I still don’t think it looks as realistic as i’d like but it certianly takes the plasticy efect away.


dkzs: Thanks for your encouraging words, yes the neck did need sorting. I have blended it in better on the last post. With the feathers, I’m partly on agreeing with you and then the otherside of me likes them there. I did try various types, like mapping real feathers to a rectangle plane but they did’nt fit in right. So I rooted out some ref. photo’s on columbian and other S American tribes where they whore these feather neck pieces made of these irridecent blue feathers. So I done a whole neck piece and it looke to much but a few looked right. But then i allso think they make the area to busy, as you pointed out. So I will do one without, and see.

Ron: Thanks mate, good to here from you;). Yeah, I dithered about the nipples showing, and decide to have it suttle. Firstly I would need to make the texture spot on to really work. And I don’t have Many reference images of old womans breasts, and I’m not resorting to my mates suggestion of doing a search on Granny Porn, to get the ref. images.The thought of what might turn up, Creeps me more than Zombies:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:Even as he said, it’s only research, i can do without. But I may look at leading a chain or something.
Also a lot of the alien reports seem to depict an A-Sexsual creature, So Maybe Manu is not a she after all !!!:o:confused:

skulll_monster:Thanks for the pointers Not sure I see where you mean though with the eyes, but will be looking again at the arms and body again. Have tried to keep muscles to a minimume as i wanted more a skinny bony look, maybe I went to much so will check.

Frenchy Pilou: good to here from you, glad you like the necklace.:wink:

ok be back soon with I hope my final.

Ok it’s taken me awhile to get round to post this, not much of an update, just removed the feathers, I still can’t decide if i like the image with or without.

Luis, I still can’t think what that missing thing is, but you are right it does need something else, but I like you cannot pin it down just yet. I will chase it and catch it eventually.:rolleyes: But I’m back working on the Sin eaters for now, so i’ll let the image float around my mind and see what forms.

Let me know what you think about the images with or without feathers.



Really love this image! no crits here… but prefer the feathers personally. You had the right amount…if you’ve had an idea to go the way of American Indians… feathers are a must!

Whatever you do next, please, please do not change the eyes or the mouth! You have really nailed those…very expresvie (especially the mouth!) they caught me back in the first image…lol

Anyway, I could comment all day on each detail but to shorten this post… I’ll just say I love everything!!


Looks like Michael Jackson at 60

Verra cool! I like how you approach the shaders. Although she is purdy skinny. :eek:

Thanks Wenna/fanmap529/Womball

Wenna: Your comments are very kind thank you, and no worrys i wont be changing the eyes or face at all. I’ve also decided that the feathers will stay as your right that if theres native american influence then i agree the feathers need to be there, but i’m going to tone the colour down so as they are not as vibrant as the butterfly. I have tried other styles mapping images of owl and buzzard feathers but their colour and pattern didn’t fit in.

Fanmap529: Micheal Jackson at 60? Will he still be in one piece by that age:D

Womball: good to here from you, With the shaders they are experimental and its a tech. I will employ again in future work and hopfully refine to the realism I’d like to achieve in ZB. She is Skinny, on accounts of some of the Greys having a very thin frame and little muscle defination.So I wanted a body style betwen that and human.

Anyway I will post an update, which I feel would be the final