
An Alien Visitor

It’s amazing to me what this ivy generator can do, and my image doesn’t even do it justice. I love the fact that it can be harnessed to do other things. I have some remarkable little tests that I plan to post sometime soon.

Everything here is made and rendered in zbrush. This image is being printed 30"x40." They have an entirely different character when viewed large.



Foraminifera; theoretical protozoa.

Plastic Protozoa.

Very cool stuff. Strong aesthetic.

Thanks very much: I appreciate it!

Always a pleasure to see a new post from your good self.
Always inspiring and exploratory.

Thank you very much!

Here’s a poster for my upcoming show at PARABOLIC in Fresno, CA.

Botanical and marine studies.



I now understand what Ernst Haeckel , stripey toothpaste and psilocybin have in common.

Highly individual work. Hope the show is a great success !! :+1:

Many thanks!

Sea Sibyl, Cybele
Floating, frail, in gentle tides
Rests in sedges waving
In watered air



A slightly new direction…

Very well done and inspiring. Pity it is that small and also that you tend to disrupt the vieing pleasure with stamping your personal data all over the work. Your style is so personal that a single mentioning would suffice. But of course you are free to do as you please.

Thanks very much, I’m glad you like it. Unfortunately the watermarking is necessary, as I’ve had my work stolen in the past. Being unique or individual is no insurance that individuals will respect a copyright.


Awesome, Would you say that’s a Succulent? :slight_smile:

Yeah, it could very well be a succulent… Thank you!

These would make for some amazing posters.

Love all the colors and details, you’ve done a great job with all of these.