
Alien Queen




Great job! Now make a really nice presentation still of it! :slight_smile:

This is the most intensely detailed “Alien” model that I’ve ever seen. I love how you’ve incorporated the human skull into the face like the original “Alien” from the first film, and how you’ve expanded on the concept with the inner jaws as hair. “Medusa Alien Queen”.

Simply Awesome!!!

I’m pushing for top row!!!


Which one do you prefer ?:cool:

Excellent stuff! It must have taken you a while to do all those details.

Pure psychodeliric stuff! Love it!

I like the bottom one the most as the dark texture is just a better fit for it. Truthfully though there just is so much detail in this that I am having a hard time telling exactly what it is or what is going on. Having said that my favorite part is the tail—I like how it comes sweeping out the way that it does. :+1:

Brilliant! Not sure I start to do mine since this is already brilliant :smiley: