
A realtime portrait - HUGE MAKING OF / TUTORIAL

Awesome Stuff !!
Thanks for sharing your Process !!

Awesome work :+1: and thanks for breakdown :smiley:

Massive, beautiful work! Thank you!

Amazing work !
Thanks for sharing !

Thank you so much for that tutorial man!!!

Amazing piece, thanks a lot for the tutorial. Top row for sure.

Great breakdown. Thank you!

man…this is helping me a lot on my current project. thank you very much Glauco! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Really, really nice. Thanks for the breakdown…really helpful.

amazing breakdown ! :smiley: thanks man , just a question why not use noisemaker for the leather jacket using the alpha you showed ?

Congratulations Glauco ! Awesome work ! Marmoset WOW what an amazing Renderer.

Thanks for the kind words guys, appreciated.
Also glad to be part of the Top Row crew. Thanks Pixologic folks for the plug.

Antone - The noisemaker is great too. I just like the freehand feeling of applying with the dragrect for the leather effect, but I use them for other stuff as well.

…tutorial! :+1:

Great work!

Looks great man. Only thing that bugs me at the moment are the tattoo’s - they seem to be way to crisp and black for an old man like that. Might be worth looking into if you want to push it just that extra bit further.

Awesome job with the skin :+1:

Fantastic result.

trabalho incrivel Glauco

meus parabens voce é um grande artista

Nice work…!!
I work with scanning and Zbrush…
Where did you get the scanning done & what kind of scanner was it…??

Glauco! Very awesome work, my friend! Great to see you on the Top. Congrats! :+1: