
55 Dragons design "Marathon"

oh and i forgot to mention, this is perhaps the best possible demonstration of ZSketching in action.

Cool designs man!

Best regards,

“My web page bandwidth got depleted in couple hours after sharing link” Things 'll get worse with this Top Row :roll_eyes: -> good thing you uploaded to Youtube :smiley: . Congratz on Top Row - awesome stuff :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I love these mini sculptures/models. Very nice work indeed, I might use your scales alphas they are very well made =)

WOW ! This is just breathtaking!

Very inspiring! Can you tell me what brushes you typically like to use? What brush are you using for the bone texture and does it have an alpha applied to it? It’s hard to tell from the videos.


Great work air, lovely sculpts can you post up the render settings that you use in zbrush. Do you use a particular light setup?



just been watching dragon 36. you have complete control of the verts man.
no stretching either.
complete mastery over the zsketching aswell great stuff. how many polys are you sculpting with in that one?

Congratulations on the top Row, well deserved. This thread is full of inspiration. Keep it up

Hahaaah! Please don’t ever get a life bro, your work is always an inspiration to us mere mortals. Thanks for the vids too, they’re gold

great job,thanks your alpha!

Dragon 20 is my favorite, did you use inflate brush after the masking (which was great to watch, almost like a topo map)?

Thanks outstanding work, great creativity

Simply amazing!!! You are the Dragon Master!!!

JESUS!!! very cool yea i did a dragon not to long ago as well nothing as impressive as this lol. Very nice work how long did one dragon take in total and did you know what you wanted to do before you started?

this is so amazing


I’m currently watching your videos, soooo interesting !

But i have a small question about how you create those dragons!
Did you have some concepts before starting to sculpt? You are very inspired, awesome !

What brushes do you use? i saw the claytubes and the dam standard obviously, but have you some specific brushes or technics?

By the way, can you share the grey matcap you used in your videos? It would be great ! :smiley:

Keep it up ! I want to see more dragons ! I bet you cannot sculpt 100 dragons in 12 hours !! (well ok … i’m joking, i’m sure you can do it :D)

Thanks !

Relay impressive! as so far as you done those are looking great,with nice details,:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


Heyaaaa!! My good friend Damir =)

Whats up man!

A great collection, very inspiring and clever. You are the truly dragon master heheh…

A big hug from Spain

Victor Marin
Ilusion Digital

aa A Awesome +++!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:. I love all dragon design. very cool stuff there. :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1: