
2017 Personal Work Dump

Your pieces have an exquisite, tactile quality to them and are truly inspiring.
Are all of the ones featured here ZBrush renders?

Truly amazing and inspiring work!

Ooouuu!! It’s always a very inspiring see your work! Great studies, congrats :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

You are a Master man, I’m pretty sure you don’t need to share for getting work, so thanks for sharing, it’s very inspirational :):slight_smile:

Wonderful work : )

Love this master piece!

I’m delighted! Great sense of form!

Great likeness!!

…sculpting! :+1:

Girl with hands under her skin.

These 3 works are just…make me feel - “I’ve waisted my life”…

Is that Alfred Hitchcock?!

… inspirational. Kris you have always been a genuine artist and story teller to my eyes. Your art transcends time and each single character speaks volumes. They seem lonely, and often sad at times, however they seem to be alive, and that makes them not only interesting, but engaging. We want to ask them questions about their origins. Thank you for sharing and caring.


these are amazing, LOVE the rondo hatton, he has an absolute fave physiognomy and was one of my first likeness sculpts (way too early to post it here lol)

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